10 December 2024

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Today God says:
 "I know the secrets of your heart".

He promises me:
  "If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hand to a strange god; Shall not God search this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart". (Ps. 44:20,21)

My response to the word:
  It isn't a frightening or intimidating thought to realize that God knows the secrets of my heart. In many ways, it is actually comforting, because if He knows all about me, He knows exactly what I need. I know that my loving heavenly Father has a wonderful plan for my life, and throughout this day I will cooperate with Him.

My prayer:
  "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting".

Today's scriptures:
 "Now suppose you speak what God has revealed. When unbelievers or outsiders come in you will show them where they are wrong and convince them that they are sinners. The secrets in their hearts will become known, and in this way they will quickly bow with their faces touching the ground, worship God, and confess that God is truly among you". (1 Cor. 14:24,25 GW)  

Quote for today:
A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip. (Billy Graham)  

On this day:
On 10th December 1815, John Zundel was born in Hochdorf, Germany. He began his music career in St. Petersburg, Russia. Emigrating to America in 1847, he became organist at Henry Ward Beecher's Plymouth Congregationalist Church in Brooklyn, where he served for the next 30 years. His music became almost as popular as was Beecher's preaching. Zundel published several hymn collections and edited three different musical periodicals. Of the several hymn tunes he composed, we are most familiar with the one to which we sing "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling."

"Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible or those marked (GW) are from the God's Word Translation, used with permission".

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