15 August 2024

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Today God says:
 "In a multitude of words sin can usually be found"

He promises me:
  "Sin is unavoidable when there is much talk, but whoever seals his lip is wise". (Prov. 10:19 GW)

My response to the word:
  It is so important to choose my words carefully before I speak. This I will do throughout this day, with God's help. Even when I am saying something that is worthwhile today I will try to do so with as few words as possible, Sometimes a multiplicity of words indicates a lack of thought.

My prayer:
  Help me, Lord, to choose my words carefully. Keep me from using my speech in a careless way.

Today's scriptures:
 "Open you mouth wide, and I will fill it". (Ps. 81:10 GW) "How can you evil people say anything good? Your mouth says what comes from inside you". (Matt. 12:34 GW) "If you declare that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God brought Him back to life, you will be saved". (Rom. 10:9 GW)  

Quote for today:
Remember, every time you open your mouth to talk, your mind walks out and parades up and down the words. (Edwin Stuart)  

On this day:
On 15th August 1835, Edward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Missouri. He became a pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church. E M Bounds has been called "the man of prayer", and has written many books on the subject of prayer, but only two were published during his lifetime. Most are still in print today. He died in Washington in 1913 at age 78 years.
On 15th August 1971 the Living Bible was published. Dr Kenneth Taylor started his paraphrase with the Epistles and this was published as Living Letters in 1962. After years of work, the Living Bible appeared in 1971 and received huge acceptance. He died at Wheaton in 2005 at age 88 years.

"Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible or those marked (GW) are from the God's Word Translation, used with permission".

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