18 October 2024

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Today God says:
 "Ask Me for wisdom in faith, and I will give it to you".

He promises me:
  "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally" (James 1:5)

My response to the word:
  God wants to impart His wisdom to me. He wants me to ask Him for it. As I do so, I will remember to pray in faith, because I know God is a liberal Giver to those who ask Him in faith. With God's help, I will not waver in my faith, because I know "a double minded man is unstable in all his ways".

My prayer:
  Lord, help me to be single-minded in my service to you, in prayer, and in everything I say, think, and do. I ask for your wisdom to help me understand and deal with the following situation ……………………………………………………………………

Today's scriptures:
 "A person who has doubts is thinking about two different things at the same time and can't make up his mind about anything". (James 1:8 GW) "However, the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure. Then it is peaceful, gentle, obedient, filled with mercy and good deeds, impartial, and sincere". (James 3:17 GW) "The Lord isn't slow to do what He promised, as some people think. Rather, He is patient for your sake. He doesn't want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to Him and change the way they think and act". (2 Peter 3:9 GW)  

Quote for today:
Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but taking God at His Word. (Arthur Benoni Evans)  

On this day:
On 18th October 1662, Matthew Henry, English Presbyterian pastor, was born. He is remembered for his "Exposition of the Old and New Testaments" whose value lies in its devotional and practical comments on the books of the Bible. His commentaries are still in print and highly valued.

"Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible or those marked (GW) are from the God's Word Translation, used with permission".

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