22 August 2024

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Today God says:
 "Your hunger for righteousness will be satisfied"

He promises me:
  "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled". (Matt. 5:6)

My response to the word:
  There is great happiness and blessedness in the knowledge that God will fill me with His righteousness in fulfilment of my spiritual hunger and thirst. His Word proclaims, "But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".

My prayer:
  Father, thank you for your promise to fill me when I seek after your righteousness. Thank you for quenching my thirst and satisfying my hunger.

Today's scriptures:
 "Those who drink the water that I will give them will never become thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give them will become in them a spring that gushes up to eternal life". (John 4:14 GW) "Jesus told them, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never become hungry, and whoever believes in me will never become thirsty". (John 6:35 GW)  

Quote for today:
Faith is nothing at all tangible. It is simply believing God; and like sight, it is nothing apart from its object. (Hannah Whitall Smith)  

On this day:
On 22nd August 1831, William Hayman Cummings was born in Devonshire, England. An accomplished vocalist, he toured the British Isles singing, and was especially skilled at singing Bach's music written for the passion of Christ. In 1855 he adapted a theme from Mendelssohn as the tune to which we sing "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing."

"Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible or those marked (GW) are from the God's Word Translation, used with permission".

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