23 September 2024

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Today God says:
 "I will heal you"

He promises me:
  "Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father, 'I have heard your prayer, I have seen you tears: behold, I will heal you".(2 Kings 20:5)

My response to the word:
  God hears my prayers and He sees my tears. He promises to heal me. Isaiah, the prophet, declared, "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the punishment of the peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed". God is my Healer, and I claim His promise of healing and health for me and my entire family.

My prayer:
  Lord, thank you for your promise of healing. I will walk in the health you give to me throughout this day.

Today's scriptures:
 "The Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings for you people who fear my name". (Mal. 4:2 GW) "Jesus went everywhere and did good things, such as healing everyone who was under the devil's power. Jesus did these things because God was with Him". (Acts 10:38 GW)  

Quote for today:
Grace is love with tears upon its cheeks saying, "Come Home". (Unknown)  

On this day:
On 23rd September 1857, Layman-turned-evangelist Jeremiah C. Lanphier holds a lunchtime prayer meeting for businessmen on Fulton Street in New York City. At first, no one shows up, but by the program's third week, the 40 participants requested daily meetings. Other cities begin similar programs, and a revival—sometimes called "The Third Great Awakening"—catches fire across America.

"Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible or those marked (GW) are from the God's Word Translation, used with permission".

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