Friday, March 22, 2024 |
Today God says:
"My Spirit will guide you into all truth".
He promises me:
"When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth". (John 16:13)
My response to the word:
After Jesus ascended to heaven He sent the Holy Spirit to empower me, comfort me, and guide me into all truth. I trust Him to guide me throughout this day. It's such an adventure to be led by the Spirit of God. He opens doors and windows into new dimensions of life. He reminds me of the truths of God's Word. Throughout this day I will let Him guide me, and I will remember, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".
My prayer:
Lord, your Word is truth, and your Spirit guides me into all truth. Jesus is the truth, and He has set me free. I will walk in the truth of your Word throughout this day.
Today's scriptures:
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me". (John 14:6 GW) "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another helper who will be with you forever. That helper is the Spirit of Truth". (John 14:16,17 GW) "This Son of God is Jesus Christ, who came by water and blood. The Spirit is the one who verifies this, because the Spirit is the truth". (1 John 5:6 GW)
Quote for today:
The Holy Spirit has been sent to assist you. He is your number one helper. (Charles Stanley)
On this day:
"Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible or those marked (GW) are from the God's Word Translation, used with permission".
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On 22nd March 1758, Jonathan Edwards died in Princeton, New Jersey at age 54 years. He was an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist Protestant theologian. Edwards is widely regarded as one of America's most important and original philosophical theologians and in the forefront of the Great Awakening.